Pic goes here Pilot Name:  Buffalo51

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Unit Assignment: Wing 1

Joined PF: 27Mar99

Bio Awards


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Kills: 48

Last Profile Update: 

Awarded to all members of French Armed forces
Awarded to all members for 3 months of service
Awarded to all members for 6 months of service
Awarded to all members for 1 year of service
PF Flight Cross.  For 5 combat kills.  A star is added for each 5 kills until the pilot reaches 25. This medal contains 4 stars.
PF Croix de Guerre.  For 25 Combat kills.  A star is added for each additional 25 kills. ( This medal has 3 stars)
Awarded: For his participation in the War Forces Conflict.
Awarded: For participation in the 5 week War.